8 strategies to help you get started on LinkedIn in 2023

Freedom Writers

How to Create a Standout LinkedIn Profile: 8 Essential Tips

How to Create a Standout LinkedIn Profile: 8 Essential Tips

With over 560 million members, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform. An optimized LinkedIn profile is invaluable for career development, networking, and showcasing your skills to potential employers. Follow these 8 tips to create a stellar LinkedIn presence:

1. Add a Professional Profile Photo

A profile photo is one of the first things people will notice on your LinkedIn page. Make sure yours is high-quality, well-lit, and portrays you in a professional manner. It should feature you dressed neatly, smiling warmly, with a solid background. Avoid casual selfies, cropped faces, or group shots. LinkedIn profiles with photos receive 21 times more profile views and 9 times more connection requests. Invest time into perfecting this vital first impression.

2. Craft an Eye-Catching, Keyword-Rich Headline

Your headline appears right below your name on your profile. Customize it to showcase your specialties, rather than just your job title. Include relevant keywords and skills that will grab attention. For example: “Digital Marketing Specialist | Content Creator | Audience Growth Strategist”. Aim for brevity but make every word count. This headline real estate is valuable.

3. Share Your Story in the Summary

The summary section is your chance to share your professional story. Briefly explain your experience, passions, and specialties. Call out major career accomplishments and qualifications. You can break it up into sections with headers and bullet points. Share what drives you and how you help people. Link to your website or blog if applicable. Keep it succinct but compelling at around 2-3 paragraphs.

4. Showcase Work Experience

In the experience section, provide details on your current and past roles. For each position, briefly describe your responsibilities, projects completed, and major contributions. Quantify achievements with numbers and metrics when possible. This section brings your skills and accomplishments to life, so ensure it captures your career progression.

5. Highlight Your Education

List your degrees earned, universities attended, and graduation years. Include academic honors, scholarships, or extracurricular activities if applicable. Connect with classmates by linking your profile to your alma mater. Recent graduates should emphasize internships completed. For those farther out from schooling, listing just higher education degrees is sufficient.

6. Demonstrate Passions Through Volunteering

The volunteer section presents opportunities to share causes you care about. Outline any philanthropic organizations you support and roles held. Describe initiatives spearheaded and impact made. Showcasing compassion through volunteering adds dimension to your personal brand.

7. Add Relevant Skills

Include keywords in the skills section that reinforce your expertise and experience. Both hard and soft skills can be listed. Pull these from your headline, summary, work history, and more. Having connections endorse your top skills adds validity. Keep this section tailored to terms that resonate with your goals.

8. Customize Your Profile URL

Make your custom LinkedIn URL professional and memorable. Simply go to “Edit public profile & URL” and enter your name or a variation that concisely describes you. This personalized URL makes you easier to find.

With these tips, you can craft a stellar LinkedIn profile that expands your reach and presents you in the best possible light. Put thought into each section to create a cohesive professional narrative tailored to your aims. Consistently keeping your profile updated will maximize its impact, allowing you to unlock the many opportunities LinkedIn offers.

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